Mainfest: CMO Lt. JG O'Neail

Starfleet Personal File:

Name: Joise O'Neail
Rank: Lt. JG
Species: Trill
Height: 5 foot 2 inch
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde

Personality profile:  

Josie majored in Medicine while at Starfleet Academy and went through Starfleet Medical. While she was there she took several communications and language courses thinking that they may come in handy later on in her Starfleet Career. While she was at the Academy, Josie became good friends with Tyler and played the occassional joke on him as well.

During her childhood, Josie had to deal with older brothers giving her a hard time for always wanting to read different books, but they would always come to her rescue when other school kids would give her a hard time for her always reading and studying other things instead of playing sports. Josie was more into learning about different cultures, languages, and music over the sports. When it came to sports, Josie knew enough to get through school, but it just wasn't her main interest.

Likes: Italian food, white tigers, teddy bears, Roses, Lily's

Starfleet Career



"Don't try and be a great man... just be a man."


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