The Armoury

The Armoury

The main armory for the Navajo is located on deck 3, right across from the security and tactical offices Access to the armory is limited to only security personal, marines, the ships CO and the ships XO. Smaller armories are located on decks 2, 6, 8, 12, 19, and 20. The marines also have thie own personal armory located on deck 23. Below are listed the ships side arms which can be found in any of the above mentioned armories.

Type IId Phaser:

The Phaser IId is the latest hand Phaser to come out of AFY's R&D. This weapon has 22 settings rather than the standard 16 of the Type IIe issued to most of Starfleet. The Type IIf, due to the extra power availability, is the standard sidearm for Bravo Fleet, including the Marines. This weapon has two additional Sarium Krellide power cells embedded into the center section, giving the Phaser the ability to reach the extra 6 power settings and longer power life. As with any sidearm, the main three type of beam are Stun, Heat, and Disruption. The added 6 settings allow for greater precision when using these functions and slightly further range.

Type IIIc Phaser Rifle:


When Starfleet Security or away teams need more firepower then a side are, they turn to the phaser rifle. The Type-IIIc larger and more sophisticated then previous phaser rifles. First issued in 2371, the Type-IIIc is capable of firing phaser energy in beams and at variable power levels. It uses a computer control system to allow for modulation of many characteristics, important when dealing with the Borg.

The Phaser rifle also includes an effective targeting system decent energy reserve. The Rifle is equipped with a gyro-stabilized targeting unit. This targeting unit incorporates sensors capable of detecting and tracking life forms

Type IVa Pulse Phaser Rifle:

The Type-IVa phaser rifle is a much larger, more sophisticated weapon than Type-III. It is capable of firing phaser energy in pulses and at variable power levels. It uses an advanced computer control system to allow for modulation characteristics to be modified faster than in previous phaser rifles, important when dealing with the Borg.

First placed in service in 2373, the Type-IVa Phaser rifle also includes a much more effective and elaborate targeting system and a larger energy reserve over the Type-IIIc. The Rifle is equipped with a gyro-stabilized targeting unit.  This targeting unit incorporates sensors capable of detecting and tracking life forms and can perform the equivalent of tricorder short range biological scans.  Images of the targeted life forms would be displayed on the units display screen.

Type IIa Photon Rifle:

The photon rifle is a heavy support weapon and is much more powerful then any Phaser rifle. It is capable of firing photon rounds known as a photonic pulse (essentially micro torpedoes) at variable power levels, and focuses settings. The photonic pulse emits large bursts of rapid nadion particles which are found in phaser beams. They can pierce most known personal armor and shielding. This weapon is very successful against the Borg as no one Photonic pulse has the exact same modulation. The Borg find it very hard to adapt. It uses an advanced computer control system to allow for manual modulation too, if needed.

First placed in service in 2375, the Type-IIa Photon rifle also includes an elaborate targeting system, similar to the one used on the Type IVa Phaser rifle. Carrying a reserve of 20 shots, the Rifle is equipped with a gyro-stabilized targeting unit. This targeting unit incorporates sensors capable of detecting and tracking life forms and other programmed targets. Images of the targets would be displayed on the units display screen. When used with the TDU, this rifle offer unparalleled targeting and sighting.

The photonic pulse shots this weapon fires are similar to photon grenades, one of the most devastating personnel weapons developed by the Federation. This weapon's use is strictly controlled and regulated. This rifle has 4 different power settings and may be set to affect everything within a radius of between 2 and 10 meters from impact.


"Don't try and be a great man... just be a man."


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