Auxilary Craft

Auxilary Craft

When transporters cannot be used the Navajo has a wide variety of support craft that are used instead. These include shuttles, runabouts, and even fighters. Though most craft are used for peaceful exploration, the larger vehicles, such as the runabouts are armed for their own protection.

Shuttle Craft SPECS

 Type and Number:


(2) Type 8 shuttles SS Venus, SS Baker
(2) Type 9 shuttles  SS Sky Shadow, SS McCoy
(2) Type 11 shuttles SS Hale, SS Mustang

Runabouts SPECS

 Type and Number: Name:
(1) Blackhawk class runabout SS Horizon
(1) Delta Flyer class runabout SS Thrasher
(1) Warhammer class runabout SS Dreamweaver
(1) Danube class runabout SS Darco

Marine Fighters SPECS

 Type and Number: Name:
(6) Razor Class Raptor Flight
(3) Eagle class Void Dragons
(1) Redemption class assault fighter SS Firebird (Void Dragons)



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