Reasearch and Development

Reasearch and Development

Designed by Commander Dark and Lt. Ardon, the Remote Battle Gear, or RBG, is a new state of the art ground combat suit. Using a transponder built into the crewmen's combadge, the RBG is assembled during transport, cutting down on staging time immensely.

The suit is made the latest combat armor available, reducing the size and increasing the wearer's manageability. A feature that came out of Voyager's Hazard suit, the RBG has a small portable transporter buffer that allows the wearer to store one object in null space and then rematerialize it for later use. The suit is still under going tests, but when they are complete Commander Dark and Lt.Ardon plan on submitting them to Avalon Fleet Yards for approval. Although, at the moment, Commander Dark and Lt. Ardon have replicated a large selection of the suits, presumably to use for testing purposes.



"Don't try and be a great man... just be a man."


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This site was inspired by  Rank pips are made by Tenson, images are all from some where I don't remember.  Donovan Santa (AKA Kalet Santa) made this site, thus he is god.