Mainfest: XO Lt. Commander Kiral

Starfleet Personal File:

Name: Kiral
Rank: Lt. Commander
Female Maran
Age: 28
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'6
Weight: 122lbs

Physical Description:

Kiral is well muscled from her training and is quite agile. She has two scars - one above her left eye and one along her left side.


Born on Maran, her parents gave her the name Sollest Danar. She was a very happy child who excelled in combat training. Sollest has a younger brother and sister. Her father is a Maran Knight and Sollest hoped to become one too.

Although she has a very friendly personality in general, Sollest can be quite intense. She is very determined and passionate about everything she does. Fiercely loyal, she would do anything for her friends and would stop at nothing to protect them.

Starfleet Career:

Sollest joined Starfleet and her first assignment was as an intelligence officer on the USS Dreamseeker. During a shoreleave, she went on vacation with her mother and siblings. While they were in a seemingly deserted section of a planet, they were attacked. For her actions that day, she received her two scars and earned the privilege of becoming a Maran Knight. She chose the name Kiral, which means "justice" as her new name. Kiral constructed her own Firesaber, which is green.

When she returned to the USS Dreamseeker, she was promoted to Lt. JG. Kiral left the Dreamseeker about eight months after returning because she felt there was somewhere else she needed to be. Shortly thereafter, she joined the USS Navajo as Chief Intelligence Officer.


As a Maran Knight, Kiral devotes much time to her training. She built her own firesaber shortly after becoming a Knight. Kiral enjoys reading and meditating. She has also tried her hand at painting and playing instruments. As expected, her friends are very important to her. She would do anything for them and she keeps in contact with them as much as she can.

Service Record:

Cadet Assignment: Starfleet Academy Intelligence School
First Assignment: USS Dreamseeker; Chief Intelligence Officer, Ensign
Second Assignment: U.S.S. USS Navajo, NCC-77993-A; Chief Intelligence Officer, Lt.
Current Assignment: U.S.S. USS Navajo, NCC-77993-A; First Officer, Lt. Commander


"Don't try and be a great man... just be a man."


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